Transforming the Earth: A New Paradigm, Disclosure, and Ascension – Part 1/3

Openhearted Rebellion

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

We’ve reached an unprecedented time in our history and our social development. Together, we stand at the precipice of a new paradigm; an era rooted in harmony and advancement instead of conflict and chaos.

We’re preparing to see what the next phase in our evolutionary growth will present, and we’re on the verge of welcoming a wealth of miraculous and revolutionary changes that’ll completely transform the limited manner in which we’ve viewed ourselves and the world around us.

Our awareness of ourselves and the universe is growing every day.

Those of us who’ve become aware of spirit and the necessity to cease warfare and various other destructive things in the name of coming together and running this planet as a unified body are doing everything we can to spread this knowledge and the liberation that comes with it, because it’s become our…

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